The latest on our travels through Europe and Africa.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 10: Who Is John Gault?

I can't believe it took us 237.2 km to finally take action and lighten
our packs. Chris and I each shipped 3 km worth of junk to Santigo this
morning that we will be awaiting our arrival on March 23rd.

It also took us 237.2 km to finish our first audio book-Atlas Shrugged.

Ps. My feet felt rejuvinated this morning (see day 9).


  1. Good for you! I'm sure your back and shoulders are grateful too!
    Muy fuerte!

  2. LOL good for you, on both counts. Certainly much wiser than I, who had persisted in carrying my full pack all the way. Needless to say I paid a 'heavy' price, with blisters and a much compressed hip and lumbars.

    Ayn Rand? Brilliant!

    Love following you on your journey.

    Buen Camino.

  3. My favorite pic laugh every time!!
    miss yall
    Caroline K
