The latest on our travels through Europe and Africa.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 16: 'But I Thought Hurricane Season Was Over'

Just when we thought winter was coming to an end, we step outside into
another snowy day.
Today has been very frustrating. A commercial tour bus dropped off 50
well-macicured, clean shaven, made-up "pilgrims" with sparkling white
tennis shoes to walk a 10 km stretch. They speed past us since the bus
is carrying their luggage and beat us to the only bar in the next
village. We arrive with no where to sit but a toilet without a seat
(which we both immediately used). They proceed to eat (what they
believe to be) their well-deserved lunch while their heated tour bus
is parked outside waiting for them...rookies.

Photographed left to right: Pablo (24- from Madrid), Chris (23- from
Houston), Inagi (51- from Bilbao).


  1. keep on keepin on guys! love the blog, & btw tht sausage thing looks pretty good about rt now

  2. lololol. You should have suggested to a couple of them that you could swap beds for the night for an authentic pilgrim experience.... If you were really lucky their bed might have been somewhere like the parador in Leon or its equivalent ;-)
